Empower Helpers and Travel
in Your Life
with Feng Shui Secret Tips
Helpers always show up when I am in need of assistance.
Sometimes they give me money,
other times information or a needed service.
Wherever my travels take me,
I am grateful to get "a little help from my friends".
Getting the Help You NeedThis Life Situation on the BTB Bagua is one of the three areas that contain your front door.

Feng Shui Bagua MapIf you have a business in your home, a front door in Helpers is fortunate. Even if your door is not placed here, you can "call in" helpful people (clients, customers, employees) with a chime or bell placed, with intention, in this area.
Help arrives in various forms from a multitude of sources. It is just waiting to be requested.
When you are receptive and express gratitude for what you have already received you are in harmony with the natural flow of the law of attraction. By applying Feng Shui Secret Tips in your Helpers Life Situation area you are expressing your intention to accept what is given. You are then in a position to help others.
Travel Adventures"I've had several travel experiences that have made me aware of the importance of Helpers in my life. I am also grateful for the Feng Shui Tips that I now use in temporary places.During a road trip to a workshop, I stayed in a room with the door on a slanted wall. In Feng Shui this speaks to unexpected or unusual happenings.
The next day I broke my foot trying to stop my truck. It was rolling down the drive because the emergency brake failed. My husband had to fly to my location and drive our stick shift vehicle, with me in a cast, the six hundred mile trip home.
On another journey, a friend and I noticed that a post outside our motel room was creating a secret arrow of energy directly toward our door. We considered it could spell potential problems, yet we were only here for two nights and we were tired. The next day we were kicked out because a friend of the manager wanted this room. We had to search for a room in another motel. Everyplace in town was full. With help from our friends we found a place for the night.
In Flushing, New York, a colleague and I changed hotel rooms because of the view of an old graveyard from our window. We moved across the hall. The new room had a better view. That night we were flooded out by an overflowing toilet in the room next door. What did we miss? (I wonder if this happens often in Flushing?)
My challenging travels motivated me to put together a travel kit of items and tips anyone can use to adjust the chi in a temporary space. I use mine every time I travel. I stayed in the room with the slanted door again, only I hung a crystal ball on the doorknob. I experienced no more unusual happenings and slept great."
My "Feng Shui to Go" Travel Kit will be featured in detail on a future page on this site.

Home on WheelsYou may be one of many who spend much or all of your time traveling in an RV.
Whether you drive it or pull it, there are Feng Shui Secret Tips that are specific to your RV lifestyle.
Of course, you will also find the Tips on the rest of this site beneficial.
My Favorite Secret Tip to Request HelpVisualize the Feng Shui Bagua Map on the surface of your bed. The Helpers Life Situation is located on the nearest right corner as you stand at the foot of your bed.
To receive help for a specific request, simply write it in detail on a piece of paper. Place the paper in a new red envelope and put it under your mattress in the Helpers area of your bed. Each morning, for 27 days, take it out and read it out loud. Visualize the desired outcome and the happiness you feel. Set your intention with the Three Secret Reinforcement and place it back under your mattress. At the end of 27 days, leave your request there until you get the help you need.
"I experienced the power of this simple exercise many times. I received answers to a medical problem, I gained insight into my career path and I found a new house. I performed this Feng Shui Secret after taking mundane steps in each of these situations, so I was clear in my request for help."
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